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How it works
There is a main program in our server that works in conjunction with the members program. A member must first be activated by the system administrator. The member can then transmit messages to the entire system or directly to another member by either typing the message on-screen. On the member's screen of the typed messages, there is a real-time stream of messages that can be reviewed individually, edited and replied to. The members can filter out messages by choosing from several filter codes, or they can choose to filter out another member with the ignore function. All messages are stored in both the server and the member's computers. When a member is offline and returns back online the messages will automatically refresh. The members then see all the missed messages. Every once in a while, the server is cleaned, and the messages are cleared.
" What I Like about Gold Ticket? Humm.. You name it, everything. Gold Ticket is definitely the most affordable system for wrecking yards in the market sofar. It's easy to work with. Gold Ticket system is reliable, efficient, fast and best of all Gold Ticket service is excellent! Gold Ticket works all the way!!!"
Beach Auto Wrecking
Huntington Beach, CA
July 2010
New rules on Past Dues take effect on July 1, 2010. Starting July 1, 2010 a yard that gets reported to Past Dues by another yard will have a service fee added to their monthly bill. The fee is 2% of the amount owed. This fee is meant to discourage yards from going beyond the 45 day credit terms allowed.